Voices Against Brain Cancer

Voices Against Brain Cancer’s (VABC) mission is to find a cure for brain cancer and brain tumors by advancing scientific research, increasing awareness, creating a brain cancer and tumor community, and supporting patients, their families and caregivers afflicted with this devastating disease.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Diagnose The Tumor At The Earliest With These Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is formed when the abnormal cells start forming within the brain. There are two types of tumors- malignant and benign. Cancerous tumors are further of two types- primary and secondary. Primary tumors start within the brain while the secondary tumors spread from the brain to other parts of the body like lungs and breasts. These are called brain metastasis tumors. People with brain tumor may experience many brain cancer symptoms. The brain tumor symptoms can be general and specific. A general symptom is caused by when the tumor inside the skull creates pressure which in turn causes pressure on brain or skull. Specific symptoms show up when a specific part of the brain stops working due to the tumor.
Voices Against Brain Cancer
Brain Tumor Symptoms

General brain tumors symptoms include headaches which worsen due to activity early in the morning. The persons with brain tumors may also experience convulsions or seizures which are nothing but involuntary movements of the muscles of a person. Convulsions are mainly of two types- Myclonic and Tonic-Clonic. The former type of convulsions include single or multiple muscle spasms, twitches or jerks while Tonic-Clonic includes loss of consciousness followed by contractions that are nothing but the twitching and relaxing of muscles. A person with brain tumor loses all his control on his bodily functions. He also experiences difficulty in breathing and the person’s colour may even turn blue.

There is also change in sensation, vision, smell and hearing when a person has a brain tumor. He may also lose memory fully or partially.

The specific symptoms include pressure and headache near the area of tumor. If the tumor is in the cerebellum, the person may also lose control of his balance and will find it difficult to do those works which require the use of fine motor skills. A tumor in the frontal lobe of cerebrum can result in the changes in judgement and make the person sluggish. Partial or total loss vision is experienced if the tumor is in the occipital or temporal lobe of the cerebrum. The person may also get confused with the right and left sides of the body if the tumor is in the parietal or frontal lobe of the cerebrum.

Friday 8 April 2016

Brain Cancer Cure: Find Out, How?

Brain cancer is specifically caused due to the formation of tumor or cancer cells on the inner surface of skulls. They may also originate in the brain tissue-cells. The other name for this type of cancer if intra cranial tumor. The reason is, it can be developed in any part of the brain. Also, it is resulted because of rapid cell division. By conducting a brain cancer research, types of brain tumor have been explained.

Brain tumor is of two types, such as primary and secondary. Formation of cancer cells is the major reason that results in brain cancer. There are different types of cancer, such as skin cancer, breast cancer and so on. Cancer can be treated in four ways, such as:

  • By destroying the microbes inside the cancer    cells
  • By killing the cancer cells
  • To build an immune system that can perform a brain cancer cure

In addition to the above mentioned ways, there are many more to come. Microzyma or Somatic is also an effective treatment. It can be done by reverting microbes inside the cells once again. The formation of cancer cells is due to various reasons, such as age, hereditary, or due to exposure towards harmful radiations. There are many different chemicals like formaldehyde, vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile that are highly prone to this severe disease. Therefore, make sure to resist such situations that are prone to brain cancer.

Brain cancer research has mentioned the different symptoms of this disease. Some of the commonly seen symptoms include Severe headache, Swelling, Weakness, Abnormal vision, Difficulty in walking, Difficulty with speech, Vomiting, Surrounding inflammation, Clumsiness and Changes in emotional reactions or logical sense. If you ever experience such symptoms, make sure to go for a complete diagnosis. Mainly MRI scans and CT scans are used in order to detect a tumor in the brain.

To confirm the location of tumor, the biopsy is used. There are many treatments available for brain cancer cure, such as radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. Find out the best cancer specialist for your treatment. You can search through the internet.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Know About Various Brain Tumor Symptoms

A brain tumor refers to a large number of abnormal cells in your brain. The brain tumor symptoms cannot be easily diagnosed. Brain tumors can be malignant or benign. There are so many possible symptoms of brain tumors, hence, get yourself diagnosed regularly. This way, you will be able to know about various health issues, if any.

Many people just miss out the signs they experience without having enough knowledge that it may lead to cancer. Therefore, one should be aware of the symptoms. Here are some of the most common symptoms, such as:

HEADACHES: It is one of the common symptoms that may lead to this severe disease of brain tumor. Approximately 46% of total patients experience continuous headache. Patients experience the same with no defined pattern. Many times, the situation may get worse. Some more brain tumor symptoms include vomiting and nausea. Headache may be accompanied by these two major symptoms.

SEIZURES: Seizures are considered the second most common symptom among all other. Over 33% of patients going through a seizure prior to a tumor diagnosis. This specific symptom may be linked to other diseases like epilepsy or stroke. In case, a person is diagnosed with hypertension, seizures must be brought to the doctor's attention. Moreover, a person should regard a brain scan immediately for detailed diagnosis.
A person who says, i have brain tumor, make sure to help him immediately. Recommend him a cancer specialist and get the patient treated. Patients suffering from brain tumor also experience some abnormalities in vision or hearing. Around 25% of patients go through with vision problems. Such issues occur when a tumor is causing high intra cranial pressure on the brain.

A tumor may cause problems to many other parts of the body. A patient may have to experience strange sensations, such as a weakening feeling in the arms, head, legs, facial muscles, or hands.

The above mentioned are some of the major Brain Tumor Symptoms. Make sure to properly diagnose the symptoms so that a patient gets to know about the disease at the early stages.